8 Easy, Infused Vinegars

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infused vinegar recipes

Infused vinegars are so easy to make, don't be surprised if you have a collection in your kitchen in no time. They improve everything: pickles, dressings, sauces, and even drinks like kombucha.

Hot Pepper Vinegar

The pepper vinegar will keep for a long time in the fridge, but you may find yourself reaching for it to put on everything from eggs to grilled meat - see recipe for Sauteed Collard Greens with Hot...

Leftover Champagne Vinegar

I get my vinegar mother (that blob of bacteria in the bottom of a good vinegar bottle) from raw apple cider vinegar. The rest of this recipe involves waiting for the bacteria to change the alcohol...

Chef Patrick Soucy's Homemade Vinegar

Chef Patrick Soucy's Vinegar
Chef Soucy is fermenting many foods in his kitchen at Farm Bistro, including sauerkraut, green strawberries, chili peppers and vinegar. “Vinegar works in a very circular way,” he explains. It is...

Filoli Gentlemen’s Orchard Cider Vinegar

Julie Kleck—vinegar lead for the Filoli Herb and Vinegar Workshop volunteers—creates Filoli’s innovative herb-infused vinegar recipes, which are produced and bottled weekly by the workshop...

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